Hey family!
It's been a crazy week! We were like always really
busy and didn't have much time. I was just looking in my agenda to see
what all we did this week. We got a batch of new missionaries earlier
this week. We left on Wednesday morning to take some of them over to
Togo. We received three Tahitians, two from Congo, and one from Togo.
We brought all three of the Tahitians over to Togo. The other three
stayed here. We came back on Thursday morning so it was not a long visit.
On Friday we had our Leadership council with all the zone
leaders and the sister leader trainer. I really like those meetings. There
always seems to be something that I can get out of them that really applies to
me now or can help me improve. This time Sister Morin talked about
Praying with Faith. I feel that multiple times during my mission I have
worked on my prayers but it is so easy to slip into routines and laziness with
prayer. To have consistent effective prayers is not easy. So, I recommitted
myself to again put more effort into my prayers.
Saturday we had our mission preparation class.
There was just one person there and we were waiting for the others and so
we started to play a little soccer on the road outside the apartment. It
was fun and we saw a young couple that was walking by and they stopped and
talked with us for a while and they were intrigued by what we said about the
church and the restoration. God works in mysterious ways.
Sunday after church we made some fufu in our apartment.
We borrowed a bowl mortier thing from cococodji and a pilon. Fufu
is mashed up ingnam until it becomes like a stretchy playdough kind of stuff.
I'm sure you could look up more about it online. While you’re at it
look up how they mash it. Its crazy! Sometimes they get like 5
ladies that stand in a circle and take turns hammering in a big old stump bowl.
They get this rhythm going - it’s really cool. I bet you could find
some more on it because it’s hard to explain. Anyways we made our own at
our apartment.
This week President Morin has a seminar with the 70
leaders of West Africa in Ghana almost all this week. This means we will
have a little more time in our secteur [area] than usual. Just a little though
because we still have some more things to do and a meeting on Friday. It
just never ends.
Well that’s all for this week!
Elder Rybin
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