7/14/2014 - President Morin's trip to Togo, big transfer time

Hey family!

Before I forget I just got a letter from Elder Carter Payne my friend who is serving in Madagascar and he attached a picture of him and elder Ravelojoana!  I had told them to look for each other but it was on a split working with a member that they met up.  What a small world huh?

anyways, this week was a little crazy.  we had a long trip to Togo.  we got back late last night, but all in all it was a successful trip.  we had to stay over sunday so i didn’t get to be with my primary.  i heard things were a little rougher than usual in the garage this week haha.  tomorrow again we are heading out to Togo for a transfer.  we are bringing a couple missionaries including elder Hales back into Togo.  then on wednesday morning we are bringing some back into Benin.  we have a lot of missionaries leaving this week.  Elder Ritchie is leaving tomorrow so we are dropping him off in the bureau before heading out into Togo.  There are also Elder Lemaire, Lala, Sery, Digbe, Kouadio, Gomun, and Gnenenon that are leaving all on this friday.  I think that you know almost all of them.  obviously you know elder Gnenenon and Elder Digbe because they were both my companions but also Lemaire lives in our apartment right now and was companions with Hales before.  i lived with Gomun and Sery, both were companions of Elder Hales at the beginning of our missions.  It is going to be a little weird saying goodbye to all of these missionaries.  

This past week in Togo i took the sacrament for the first time (i think) in my life not on a sunday.  President did a special sacrament meeting with all the missionaries in Togo this last week.  And next week we are doing something similar in Benin.  He said he had thought a lot about what would be the best way, the best thing to do when meeting his missionaries for the first time.  He said that he felt that taking the sacrament with that special spirit would center us more on Jesus Christ.  It was pretty cool.  

I’m learning so much from President Morin.  I feel like everything he says i should write down to remember.  but i can’t so I’m doing my best to absorb some of the most important lessons he has to teach me.  I’m super blessed to have the unique opportunity to work so closely to him during this special transition period.  its amazing.  well looks like we sommes arrivés a la fin [we are at the end], and I’ve got to go.   

Have yourselves some great weeks! 
I love you all!

Elder Rybin

P.S. this is a man with a door on his head.  super impressive/crazy.  the road was recently torn up but he was doing a great job.  we took it on our way to togo this last week. 
Elder Rybin