ok family,
our cyber has been
sooooooooooooooooo slow for these last couple of weeks. aujourd'hui it
took me 1 hour 10 minutes to load up my email. yeah i don't know what's
wrong but it's really frustrating.
we've been working really hard. elder kongolo and i are
are having more success little by little. we are setting some big goals and seeing some
miracles. it is going good. there are still a lot of things that
need to happen but it's coming along. also we got a call this weekend and
there is a transfer this week. elder kognani is transferred to
benin. he is being replaced by elder sonatiananiana yeah i just typed a
whole lot of i a and n;s and its something like that. he's
malagash. it will be a little weird. i really like elder kognani
and we've been in attiegou together for the last 4 months but that's the
mission. there's going to be another transfer in december because people
are going home, and were going to get a new assistant and a couple new zone
leaders. we'll see.
oh i think those nuts that i talked about awhile ago are
hazel nuts. what do hazel nuts look like before they are pulled out of the
fruit stuff? i don't know.
my package is in benin?! that's awesome. that
was fast, i think it could take a couple of weeks to get through customs here,
and a couple days to get to me, or a week so i could be just before
christmas. but i'll think about the couple offer, to get something else
here quick. sounds like a good idea, but i'm not sure what yet. i'll
let you know. because the cyber is so slow we don't have much time today
either. so have a great week. enjoy the pictures!
i love you all!
Elder Rybin