bon soir family [good evening]
how is everything back home? sounds like things
went well for the birthdays, i wished you a joyeux anneversaire on friday and
hope it made it to you. Last day of september today, wow. tomorrow
is october, i don't really feel the time pass as much here because there is not
the four seasons like back home. but time just keeps on marching.
Marie with Elder Rybin and Elder Ndye |
the most exciting news for this week is that we had 3
baptisms saturday. marie, whose mom fell and was in the hospital, finally
got baptized this week which was awesome. and also tania and eli the niece and
nephew of a member family that lives in our secteur. tania and eli just moved in and started coming
to church and wanted to get baptized so we've been teaching them for a couple
of weeks now and their uncle just baptized them saturday. it's been a
long journey with marie and i'm really glad that she was finally able to get baptized,
she was happy.
Family of Tania and Eli |
other pictures. this week is rained a little more, friday i think
it was. it rained pretty good all
morning, luckily we were inside for weekly planning, but when it rains like
that and then heats up in the afternoon or the next day first of all it gets
super humid, its death! sooo humid, but we survive. also, the termites
come out, and come out in swarms. we accidentally left the door open to
the apartment and they came in the apartment attracted by the light, and were
flying all over the place in the living room. we came out of our study
room after planning, and saw them all flying around and closed the door and got
a bucket of water and started catching them and throwing them in to trap and
kill them. adventures!
Flying termites!! |
this saturday we are looking to have another baptism, an
18 year old kid named aimé. he is a contact from a member and just moved
in with his brother. he wasn't going to church and was searching for a
church and the truth. perfect! he has already come to church twice
and we met him only a couple weeks ago. he is really awesome. last
night we taught him and near the end of the lesson i asked him how he felt and
he said basically "ever since i came to church and started taking the missionary
lessons i have felt more elevated, enlightened, and just better. I feel
closer with God. I feel now like i know what it means to be christian and
i know who Jesus Chirst is, and understand the gospel. and i want to know
more. that's why i want to get baptized, because then i can get the gift
of the holy ghost. i want to keep learning more about God and Jesus
Christ and the holy ghost and i love what i've heard so far." he's
i think that is all for this week.
Thank you all for your love, and prayers, letters, and support.
keep it up! i studied a little this morning about being
"steadfast and immovable". steadfast, what a cool word. i
love being able to see two translations of the scriptures, i learn so much more
going back and forth often. oh finished the new testament yesterday.
i started again the book of mormon this morning.
"steadfast and immovable" this week. love you all!
Elder Rybin