hey family!
transfers went good.
it was a
little crazy but all is well.
i am the
only american in the apartment so its all french from here on out.
i was sad to leave hedzranawoe, but im not
my keyboard right now won't change
from french so I'm struggling to type with the french one, super annoying.
the new apartment is nicer than the old one
which is nice i don't have much pictures of inside yet but i have one with the
view from the roof that i took this morning.
that is a weird fruit that i ate, it was pretty good.
the other picture is off the roof this
the sky here is awesome.
the clouds are amazing.
I'm waiting for a good sunrise to get a

random story for the week is that i found out that
one of the people that comes to my english class is totally crazy!
i thought he was just a little weird but
turns out he's totally crazy.
he lives
in my secteur now and we ran into him this week, so we stopped by and he said
that he thinks he knows me from before this life in his travels as a spirit, he
thinks he is asian, i'm pretty sure he practices voodoo too, super weird.
kinda creepy how crazy he is but at the same
time functioning and normal.
creepy stuff.
but he came to church
yesterday which was good.
haha he has
been taught by a lot of missionaries so we'll see how it goes i guess.
our investigators are good. we have a one maire who is super
awesome. she came to church yesterday
and has a date for baptism for a week after saturday. we have some others too, but i'm still
learning all the secteur and their stories, but good so far. our secteur is the farthest up we go in lomé
and i am going to take some pictures to show you but there is some cool views
and stuff. this one guy in our secteur
build this huge transformer looking head out of old car parts, it soo
sweet! it looks like it could be a
optimus prime's head no joke. i'll send
a picture next week.

my companion, elder ndaye, is from congo, he has just
less than three months left on his mission, and is good so far.
he likes knocking doors, and so far wev'e
done a lot of that but its good we are finding a lot of people.
he is 24 years old.
he joined the church just a year before he
left on his mission.

i have some updates for the list of things to send me for
deodorant is a yes.
also I'd like a 2014 calendar,
maybe one with gospel art; from the classic
mormon artists like greg olson; simon dewey, liz swindle; and the lot.
also floss i think would be good; i haven't
seen it yet but also haven't searched super hard to find it yet, so we'll see.
but that's a maybe;
sorry theres lots of
qs because those are a's in the french keyboard and I'm trying to go fast...
peanut butter too.
lots of it.
and i mean a lot.
that is one of the things i've been craving a
lot that you can't really get here, so basically a solid year supply would be
weird what you find you miss when you don't
have it.
i think that should be good
though. so far i don't need to much.
can get most things here.
i think that is all for now. i
love you all!
Elder Rybin