Monday, September 15, 2014 7:00 AM
We have a little bit of time right now. Its a
little earlier than usual. I'm keeping mom on her toes. One week
super early the other one super late and so she has to stay in front of the
computer for hours waiting for my message. do you still do that mom?
like you did for Benjamin? haha ok well this week went by really
fast. It seems all the weeks we go to Togo go really fast, which nowadays
is like every week sooo times just flying by. We are already halfway
through September.
We went to the Hall of Arts today with our apartment. I really liked it.
it is a place where you can go and get a whole bunch of little souvenirs
and stuff. So i need to ask all of you: what do you want me to get you as
gifts coming home? that's to everyone (mom, dad, benjamin, his new wife that i
still dont know, crystal and family, emma, nathan, etc) just give me a few
ideas. Benjamin i don't think a lion pelt is realistic but a good idea
nonetheless. Emma i got you something in Kpalime this last week. I
think you'll like it. BUT its a surprise...... hahaha so you'll have to
wait a couple more months. i think it is yours and nathan's birthdays in
a couple of weeks.
We are planning on having another baptism on the 27th. did I tell you that Narcisse got baptized this last Saturday? did i tell you that I'm getting a new companion this week? wow things just happen so fast. First of all yes there is a transfer this week. Elder Kognani is going to train a new missionary in Kodjoviakope in Togo. that's where potter is at right now. he is training as well. a new iviorien. my new companion is Elder Bulunga. he is from the Congo. He is really awesome. I am super excited to work with him. Right now he is a zone leader with Elder Garza (who came with me if you remember) and has about 1 year on his mission.
to answer grandmas question usually its not hard to find gas. the trucks we drive take diesel but there is a lot of times the gas stations are out of gas. but we drive a lot. a lot a lot. i'm not sure how much a week but its quite a lot. i bet we drive more than anyone else including the couples and president.
We are planning on having another baptism on the 27th. did I tell you that Narcisse got baptized this last Saturday? did i tell you that I'm getting a new companion this week? wow things just happen so fast. First of all yes there is a transfer this week. Elder Kognani is going to train a new missionary in Kodjoviakope in Togo. that's where potter is at right now. he is training as well. a new iviorien. my new companion is Elder Bulunga. he is from the Congo. He is really awesome. I am super excited to work with him. Right now he is a zone leader with Elder Garza (who came with me if you remember) and has about 1 year on his mission.
to answer grandmas question usually its not hard to find gas. the trucks we drive take diesel but there is a lot of times the gas stations are out of gas. but we drive a lot. a lot a lot. i'm not sure how much a week but its quite a lot. i bet we drive more than anyone else including the couples and president.
Narcisse and Ospice |
As far as Narcisse goes I have some pictures but my camera is out in the car. I will try and send some today but I'm not sure when. We have a meeting with all those that are going to start training tonight at 6 so we are here in the Bureau till then. I hope i can find another spare moment to send some pictures. but it went really well. he is Ospice’s friend. previously i was spelling his name Hospice but there is no H. Anyways he is really strong. he has progressed a lot. I'm really happy with him. it was Ospice that baptized him.
Elder Kognani, Narcisse, Ospice, Elder Rybin |
Well so forget all i said about sending pictures later. the butterfly things were in a gift shop at a blind kid school in kpalime. narcisse is the taller darker one.
enjoy family! i love you all!
Elder Rybin